Nous portons tous dans notre ADN notre famille, notre histoire généalogique et même archéologique. Il est possible non seulement de connaître la proportion de nos ancêtres issus des différentes régions du monde à l’âge du bronze, mais aussi de retrouver des cousins contemporains ou de lever des énigmes généalogiques sur les cinq derniers siècles.
The digital kit "Creative Break" is dedicated to all manual artists, young and old alike. It will bring a lot to set off your creations photos, the artits photos but you will notice quickly that this kit is really versatile and can enhance your all kinds of pictures (holidays, school, sport, landscapes, kids, cooking, etc). Give yourself a good starting point for the "bohemian & grunge" scrapbooking styles!
The back-up DVD-ROM "Digital kits D" contains 10 different digital kits for Studio-Scrap. Use this DVD to install the digital kits that you have already ordered from the CDIP shop.