Digital kit "Attic of wonders" by download

Kit « Grenier merveilleux » - 00 - US - Presentation

The kit "Attic of wonders" invites you to take a trip into a magical attic. Full of special effects, tricks and forgotten treasures, our attic is the perfect place for Halloween pictures.

11,90 €
Option : DVD-Rom "Digital kits - Set D", +6,00 €

The detailed contents of the digital kit

  • 55 papers in the browns, blue and red
  • 135 embellishments: brads, frames, characters, pumkins, birds
  • 7 decorative lines: stripes ribbons, lace ribbons (for Studio-Scrap 3 and 4)
  • 18 shapes: bats, labels, wheels
  • 5 masks: circle and rectangle (for Studio-Scrap 3 and 4)
  • 48 signs alphabet
  • 24 templates of layouts as a bonus ( 2 for Studio-Scrap 3 and 4, 22 for Studio-Scrap 4 )

Papers, embellishments, shapes and wordarts

  • Papers

    The papers with colors like browns, blue, red

  • Digital kit shapes

    The shapes: bats, trees, wheels, keys

  • Digital kit shapes

    The shapes: spider's webs, labels, wheels, plants and leaves

  • Digital kit embellishments

    The embellishments: pumpkin, potions, flowers, leaves, owl, old books, characters

  • Digital kit embellishments

    The embellishments: buttons, ribbons, old toys, cases, flowers, empty frames

  • Digital kit embellishments

    The embellishments: clocks, candelabra and candles, lightings, telephone, chairs, globe

  • Digital kit alphabet

    The alphabet: 48 signs and letters in a metal style

  • Digital kit Masks

    The masks: circle, rectangle, square

  • Digital kit clusters

    The clusters: simple and double photo decorated frames

You will be able to add backgrounds, papers or photos into the shapes.

The scrapbooking pages and projects for Studio-Scrap 4

Bonus projects: Halloween door sign & collage frame for Studio-Scrap 3 or 4

11,90 €
Option : DVD-Rom "Digital kits - Set D", +6,00 €
Compatible with all photo softwares
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