We all have family photographs asleep in photo books or at the bottom of never opened boxes. Our digital pack "Those years" has 4 decades of vintage elements, from the fifties to the eighties. It sweeps up from the birth of rock'n roll to the era of personal stereo...
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Mega-pack "Those years" by download
We all have family photographs asleep in photo books or at the bottom of never opened boxes. Our digital pack "Those years" has 4 decades of vintage elements, from the fifties to the eighties. It sweeps up from the birth of rock'n roll to the era of personal stereo...
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Set your old pictures alive with the colors and the objects of their period, with more than 700 elements! (needs 1010 Mb)
Contents of the mega-pack in details
- 63 papers with the colors of each decade
- 220 embellishments: guitars, ribbons, radio, tv
- 20 cutting shapes: frames, ribbons
- 311 letters in 4 alphabets
- Writing Stationnery: 4 invitation cards and envelopes, 1 photo cube
- 30 free layout templates
- 1 fanfold brag book
- 1 template of 36 pages photo book, perfect to quickly slide in your old pictures, for you or to make up a gift for a birthday.

closed fanfold brag book

open fanfold brag book

The 50s
5 layout templates 50s for FREE
The 60s
5 layout templates 60s for FREE
The 70s
5 layout templates 70s for FREE
The 80s
5 layout templates 80s for FREE
Contains a photo album template of 36 pages !
The quickest way to make a spendid retrospective photo book, the most customized gift for a wedding anniversary, a retirement party or for a 80 years old grandmother.
Browse the pages of the photo book