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With the brag book "Rock star", set off your favorite stars pictures…
Customise, print, cut up, stick and make on your own, this brag book.
More details on "Rock Star" brag book
Use the mini kit Astrology to create cards and page layouts around the zodiac signs...
For the Pisces or Leo sign people you know, try casting a (fake) horoscope to match your pictures...
Provided in Zip format - Contains Automatic Setup for Studio-Scrap users.
Young and old alike find themselves dreaming of travelling on a cloud into a magical world where fairies and unicorns are still alive. With this digital kit, go and create a fairy world !
More details on "A Fairy World" digital kit
Avec le kit « Urban street », retrouvez l'atmosphère des grandes villes modernes et mettez en scène vos photos dans une ambiance urbaine branchée !
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