Ce guide recense toutes les fonctions de votre logiciel Généatique 2020 et vous permettra de retrouver très rapidement comment réaliser une opération particulière. Mais surtout, il vous expliquera les toutes nouvelles fonctions.
Digital kit "The Secrets of Broceliande" by download
The digital kit "The secrets of Broceliande" will be the perfect help to recreate the mythical world of Broceliande forest and magic. Walk around in magical surroundings and get marvellous ideas.
Who knows, you may meet with Morgan or the arthurian wizard Merlin...
Fly to Finland's Rovaniemi village with the digital kit "Santa's workshop". And meet Santa Claus and his elves ! This is about Christmas' magic. You might even end up believing that Santa Claus truly exists...This kit is perfect for all your december and Christmas projects. In addition to the 20 free scrapbooking pages, it also contains 5 double pages for photobooks, ready to use or customize for your own pictures.
Got some birthday pictures? Photos from the fairground? From the carnival? Or simply from happy moments with your family? This festive brag book is perfect to enhance your happy times...