Le kit « Expression Tribale » vous emmène en voyage, en pays maori d'abord (Iles Cook et Nouvelle-Zélande), mais aussi dans la culture tribale d'aujourd'hui ! Le kit contient un grand nombre de motifs de tatouages, classiques ou inédits, pour tatouer vos pages et albums à volonté...
Show off your photos with taste and simplicity, thanks to the ingenious design of this brag book.
Add easily some cardbord sheet, add a piece of string and Bob's your uncle!
Do not leave your pictures forgotten in your computer's disks... Here is a new photobook theme for the Studio-Scrap photobook wizard, perfect for sunshine and summer photos. It is FREE. Install it and use the photobook wizard to gather quickly all your summer holidays pictures into a summery happily colored photobook, whatever the format you like best.