Nouveauté 1870-1871 La guerre oubliée, des ancêtres retrouvés - Hors-série n°35
Vos recherches généalogiques vous mènent à la période 1870-71 et vous vous rendez compte qu’il y a peu d’informations disponibles sur ce sujet ? Ce hors-série inédit est pour vous !
The digital kit "Old times florals" has plenty to offer to entice you to design your own wrinting paper, cards, invitations. It will take you along into a garden brimming with flowers, more than enough to turn you into a romantic mood.
With this Set of 70 greeting cards & Invitations, totally customizable, send professional looking cards printed from home, or invite your family to family celebrations in style!
All the cards can be modified and resized and the wording can be changed with Studio-Scrap.