Digital kit "Drawing paper and pencil" by download
Let's the smell papers talk... On your pencil, small flowers, cloud to make a u-turn to your ideas with the digital scrapbooking "Drawing paper and pencil" in a spring mood
More details on "Drawing paper and pencil" digital kit
Artisanats d'hier, petits métiers des rues, métiers agricoles
Plus de 600 photos et documents qui vous permettent de retrouver les métiers d'antan (artisanats d’hier, petits métiers des rues, métiers agricoles...)
Do not leave your pictures forgotten in your computer's disks... Here is a new photobook theme for the Studio-Scrap photobook wizard, perfect for sunshine and summer photos. It is FREE. Install it and use the photobook wizard to gather quickly all your summer holidays pictures into a summery happily colored photobook, whatever the format you like best.