Des outils, de la patience et le jardin naît. Jardin fleuri, potager, jardin à la française, que d'émerveillements et de photos... L'ambiance naturelle et les couleurs acidulées vous permettront aussi de mettre en scène d'autres thèmes que la nature...
"Garden of delights" will help you smooth out the difficulties of starting a new year. This very feminine digital kit is packed with sweet desserts, lace, delicate flowers, and old style tableware. Full of sweet delicacies and fresh colors, you may use it without moderation to show off your baking abilities also.
Do not leave your pictures forgotten in your computer's disks... Here is a new photobook theme for the Studio-Scrap photobook wizard, perfect for sunshine and summer photos. It is FREE. Install it and use the photobook wizard to gather quickly all your summer holidays pictures into a summery happily colored photobook, whatever the format you like best.